Chuck's Paranormal Adventures |
SITE INDEX Dust Orbs & Other False Positives
Investigation -
1st New Jersey Brigade Memorial, After spending my first day at Gettysburg driving around with Robert and Sandra from Bearfort Paranormal and getting a feel for the area, I was eagerly awaiting my 2nd day there so I could get out on the field and try my hand at investigating. To say that Gettysburg Battlefield Park is huge is almost an understatement. It certainly is a lot larger than Monmouth Battlefield and this was all new to me. Rather than heading to Devil's Den or some other known paranormal hotspot on the battlefield, I decided to drive around and just look for a spot that grabbed my attention. Well, I was also looking for a spot where park visitors would be at a minimum too. As I came down one stretch of road, I saw a marker for the 1st New Jersey Brigade Memorial and since I am from New Jersey, that was my sign this was to be my first place to investigate. It wasn't that large of an area, but a perfect place to get my feet wet. Literally as it had rained prior to our arrival so the grounds in spots were soaked. I parked my car across from the area, navigated some muddy, swampy areas to a foot path that took me to the top of Weikert Hill where the monument for the 1st NJ Brigade was located.
At the bottom of the hill, you could see a small stone wall fence line that stretched out through the area. That with lots of trees and good sized boulders spewed about, it was a very good defensive position to have.
While taking pictures of the area. I decided to do an EVP session at the top of the hill near the monument. I was left with just my H2 Zoom Audio recorder since I left a small bag of equipment behind at home. Of course that one had my regular recorder in it. I did have my Real Time EVP recorder, but it was cool and a bit windy, so I didn't feel too like breaking it out at the top of the hill. When I finished that, I went down to the stone fence line, found a good boulder to place my equipment on and started a session with the Ovilus and P-SB7 Spirit box.
There was some chatter coming through the spirit box that I could not make out, but was confident that my audio recorder had gotten everything and I was looking forward to replaying the clips back at the Lightner B&B where I was staying. I didn't note anything odd in the area and there was nothing that came out of the Ovilus that struck me as possible paranormal communication. However, my right hip started hurting me for no reason. I did not stumble or trip or walk on anything that would cause my hip to hurt like it was. Not a bad pain, but it was noticeable. After a little bit, I had gotten a call from Robert that he was over in the Farnsworth Charge area, so I said I would pack up to meet him over there. As I packed up my stuff and left the area to walk over to my car, the pain in my hip went away. I have no explanation for it. There was very little in the way of casualties in this area, I believe it was listed as 2 dead and several wounded. Was I experiencing the pain of a soldier from the 1st NJ Brigade that was shot in the hip or maybe fell in the area and hurt himself? I was hoping that my audio recorder might provide some evidence to possible paranormal activity in the area that maybe I could try a connection to my hip pain. Back at the Lightner that night (maybe around 2PM), I took out the SD card and placed it in my laptop to listen to the audio. I was super disappointed to see that the 2 audio files from this location where worthless. Each clip ran just a few seconds and then it stopped. If not for the fact that I had full audio files from when I met Robert at the Farnsworth Charge area, I would have thought something was wrong with my H2 Zoom audio recorder. Yet there wasn't, but for some reason after starting the 2 sessions at the 1st NJ Brigade Memorial area, they just stopped. Batteries were fine, the card was clean. So I had nothing on hand other than the personal experience of a mystery pain in my right hip and a couple of audio files that barely lasted 4-5 seconds each. I guess that would qualify as an interesting start on my first investigation at Gettysburg. Fortunately for me that H2 Zoom worked at the Farnsworth Charge area in what turned out to be one of the most amazing EVP encounters I have had to date!